- What do you expect to learn from the podcast project? (List as many
as you can.)
-distinguish the manner differences between Japan and Korea
-certain traditional behaviors that we need to behave in a particular
- What does "communication" mean to you?
-To me, “communication” is a source that people can get to know each
other. We are all from different countries, and we all use different languages.
In order to understand people from different cultures, we need “communication”
to understand the differences.
Communication really is important between different cultures, you're right. I find it very interesting to find out the cultural differences and use them.
ReplyDeleteI, for example, grew up with the hype of Japan. Watching documentaries and reading articles. Even Animes helped.
What people think is funny, is that I bow slightly every time I greet someone. They look weirdly at me ㅋㅋ
(I'm from Germany btw)
I love how polite Japanese and Korean people and their culture are! Germany can't keep up with it.
But my family is from Turkey (I was born in Germany) and I'm not like the German people here. Turkish and Korean culture/customs aren't really different. We call older people "Big brother/sister; Aunt/Uncle" even if we don't know them. We live with our family until we get married, have to participate in holidays, cook and get along with our family.
And we need communication to tell others about this. Knowing the language help more than we think^^ I also study Japanese. Went to a semester at an academy and due to work I learn on my own now. Just like I do with Korean.
I'm glad I share this passion with you, Jaeseop oppa~^^
Good luck! Gambatte! Hwaiting!
Wow! this is kind of difficult assignment, isn't it?
ReplyDelete"Communication" is very important to get to know the people and "understand" the people each other.
To speak the language is very important, but I strongly felt it's not all since one of my friends made a lot of friends when we traveled to the US. She doesn't speak English, but I guess her communication skill is excellent!
Korea and Japan locate very close, but there are many difference on culture, habits and the way of thinking. However Korean and Japanese respect the elders.
I also would like to learn more about Korean culture so that I understand and respect each other.
화이팅 재섭아!
ReplyDeleteThis is only my personal opinion,
I think "communication" nowadays hasn't have a same value and meaning like what I feel a several years ago.
The increasing of technology makes people forget the real meaning of "communication". For example, when a few people hang out together, in the past, they usually do a long conversation, story telling, mind sharing, etc. But today, I find a lot of people who hang out together, meet other people face to face, even when they're sit together, they're busy with their own phone.
For me, the most important things and real meaning of a word "communication" is about meet the people and talk directly to them.
But a positive thing about high technology era is we can easily communicate with all people around the world (if you have not much time and chance to travel around the world). And learn about other countries culture is quite interesting. It also helps you to improve your ability to communicate each other with a lot of people around the world...
Good luck for the assignment~^^
Is this your lesson?
Fighting Jaeseop!!!
"To think about how you can communicate effectively To work towards becoming an autonomous learner." ←これはすでに終わりましたか?
I think so.
ReplyDeleteYou are right.
Please keep learning what you want to know in your class~♡♡
Jaeseopa FIGHTING‼︎❤︎
I like how 'communication' is explained in the short and simplest manner as possible. Too lengthy ain't good either cos in the end u'll be 'beating around the bush'.
ReplyDeleteDespite what you answer, opinions are respected in the West as long as you have reasons to back it up with.. Cheers~
I think so, too~^ㅅ^
ReplyDeleteThe difference in world culture is very interesting.
I studied Korean because I wanted to talk to you♥♥
I want to be able to communicate in Korean.
Do your best at study! 재섭이♥♥♥
I did a Podcast project once. I messed it up because I started laughing...
ReplyDeleteOn-topic, though, I've found that communication can go past language in certain cases. Although I don't have much fluency in many other languages, there are ones that are easier to understand when there similarities between them. In school, I really had a knack for German, and my fluency really picked up quickly. I mean, fish in German is Fisch, and school is Schule haha. I have a friend from Slovakia who mainly speaks Slovakian and English but also understands other languages from nearby countries. She travels with her family to lots of other Slavic countries and is able to communicate with the people there. I also went to school with students who spoke Spanish and others who spoke Portuguese. Those who spoke Portuguese and those who spoke Spanish could speak to each other in their own languages but still understand each other. It's pretty cool.
How are you?
ReplyDeleteThat is right!
If it understands and accepts, the world will be the one
《Its a small the world》 +.(*'v`*)+
せかいが ひとつになるように かけはしとなってね!
To understand the differences between us and our conversation partner, communication standing alone can rather create even bigger differences and misunderstandings. The interpersonal communication in an intercultural communication should be seen with the aspect of being able to find the critical incidents by developing the intercultural competence in affective, communicative and cognitive dimensions.
ReplyDeleteOnly then communication can help us getting to know each other and can turn into a key to a new and fascinating foreign culture.
もっと えいご べんきょう しておけば
ReplyDeleteよかった と おもう しゅんかん です(>_<)
がんばって ほんやく します!
과제하느라 수고했어!!! ^__^ 이제야 제대로 읽어보는 중~!!
ReplyDelete커뮤니케이션을 통해 서로를 알아가고 차이점을 이해해 나간다는 이론을 갖고 있는 김재섭은....왜 누나에겐 벽이 된 건가요? 네?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
커뮤니케이션의 시작은 경청이라고 하더라고...^_^
경청 잘하는 사람은 소통도 잘한다더라~!!
고로 이야기를 잘 들어주는 재섭이는 커뮤니케이션 능력도 상당히 좋을 거야.......라는 다소 주관적이지만 칭찬하는 댓글을 달고 누나는 일하러 가겠어요ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ♥
암튼 이번 주도 공부 열심히 하고!! 일본어 클래스 A+을 향해 고고씽! ^_^)/
울 섭이 화이팅!! ♥♥
wow I really agree with you .
DeleteListening to the people is the very 1st step of communication no matter which language we speak, which culture we have and which background we grew up.
Listening to the people leads us to understanding each other, I believe.
Communication is really important in this world to understand other people.
ReplyDeleteYou're doing good AJ! Hope for the best^^ study hard :)
ReplyDelete오빠 화이팅!!!
I do not know the difference between
ReplyDeleteKorea and Japanese manner
I want you to tell me
I lack an effort
I want to do my best
Please be careful about a cold
I want to listen to your voice♡
You taught me that we can have communication just to see each other′s eyes!
ReplyDeleteI like that moment♡
Especially your eyes make us ♡♡♡
ありがとう!You remember that I asked you!
Please allow me to think so (^ー^)
ReplyDeleteなんで えいごなんㅠㅜ
2: 커뮤니케이션...상대를 생각해, 조금의 시간이라도 만날 수 있으면 행복한 기분이 되어 연결될 수 있는 상대와의 絆(きずな)와 같은 것이라고 나는 생각합니다^^♡
ReplyDeleteCommunicationは ひとに とっては ひつよう ですね
わたしに とっての Communicationは えがお あいさつ はなしを すること ですけど
わたしの ばあいは U-KISSの はなしをして Communicationを とります。
Communicationは ひとそれぞれです。
しごと りょこう ともだち… いろいろあります。
わたしが たいけん したことですが かんこくの ともだちは にほんごは はなせない
そして わたしも かんこくごは はなせないですが Communicationは できました。
なぜなら ふれたり こえをきいたり わからないことばでも いちどは かいわをすること… そして わからないときは Body Languageをして Communicationを しました。
わたしが かいたことは AJの しつもんと ちがうかもしれないですね… TT
AJ まちがっていたら ごめんなさい TT
にほんには Communicationと にてる ことばが ないみたいです… TT
また さがしてみます ^^;
おやくに たてていない こめんと だと おもいますけど ごめんなさい TT
To communicate with others, first, you also need to consider the language. For example, I am a Filipino that can't speak English, and you're a Korean that can speak the language. I really want to talk to you but I know I can't because we have a language barrier. It's a lose-win situation. It's either I need to learn English or Korean to be able to talk to you.
ReplyDeleteWoohoo! \o/ (ano ba kasing pinaglalaban ko dito ;A;)
Study hard, play harder, thrust it the hardest AJ! 화이팅!!!☆
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about the podcast project, so my answer may not be suitable for this work.
ReplyDeleteCommunication is the most important for human-beings, and an essential part of my life.
If I want to make my lives better, I have to communicate with many people around me when I am in own country and even if in other country. That means to understand other people, know each other well, construct good relationship, and accept the differences between the others and I.
If I understand especially other people living or growing in other country, I have to get over the language. To master other language is the most essential in an intercultural communication.
안녕 재섭 씨^^
ReplyDeleteI know absolutely nothing about Psychology. But the book "Bushido: The Soul of Japan
" by Inazo Nitobe(1900), maybe it assists in understanding the Japanese psyche.^^
ReplyDeleteげんきですか?ニューヨークでの、べんきょう たのしんでいますか?
わたしも、コミュニケーションについて、ゆっくり かんがえてみました。
わたしにとって、コミュニケーションとは、いきていくうえで なくてはならないものです。
うれしいことに、うまれて さいしょのコミュニケーションは、だいすきな りょうしんとですよね。
また、いろんなものも、コミュニケーションをとおして、いま そんざいしているとおもいます。
たとえば、ピアノ!ピアノが いま このせかいに あたりまえのように あるけれども、はつめいしてくれたひとが、いろんなひとや、ものと コミュニケーションを とってくれたおかげで、じつざいしていると おもいます。
このように、わたしは、コミュニケーションは、ひとだけではなく、いろんなものとも とることができると かんじています。
おんがくをきいて、そのとき かんじること、ほんを よんで、かんじること、たべものをたべて、かんじることなど、さまざまです。
これは、おんがく、ほん、そしてたべものと、コミュニケーションをとっているからだと おもいます。
こうやって、コミュニケーションのことを かんがえてみると、ありがとうのきもちが、いっぱいです。
ジェソプくんの おかげで、こうやってコミュニケーションについて、ふかくかんがえたので、コミュニケーションを モチーフに、えほんの ストーリーを かんがえてみます。
いろんなひとたちと、えほんをとおして コミュニケーションを とりたくなりました。
たのしく、ハッピーに べんきょう がんばろうねp(^_^)q
Oh, Bad!
ReplyDeleteWhen I was going to write my comment in Japanese, I found many mistakes in my yesterday's comment.
I have to continue to study English!!
ぽっどきゃすと ぷろぐらむについて しらないので、わたしの こたえは このしゅくだいに あっていないかも しれません。
コミュニケーションは、にんげんにとって もっとも たいせつなもので、せいかつするために ひつようなものです。
もし、じぶんの せいかつを よりよくしようと おもったら、 じぶんの くにに いるときも、ほかの くにに いるときも、じぶんの まわりにいる おおくのひとと コミュニケーションを しなければ なりません。コミュニケーショとは、ほかのひとを りかいすること、おたがいを よくしること、よい かんけいを きずくこと、ほかのひとと じぶんの ちがいを うけいれることです。
もし、ほかのくにで せいかつをしているひとや、そだってきたひとを りかいしようとするならば、ことばを りかい しなければなりません。ほかのくにの ことばを つかいこなすことは、いぶんかコミュニケーションにおいて もっとも たいせつなことです。
Communication means to me. Its kinda complex and it can vary in many opinions,but i'll give it a go. lol
ReplyDeleteCommunication is a way we express ourselves. A way we want to show everyone how we feel. Without communication,so many things can be misunderstood or the wrong thing can be taken and translated as something else. If u wanna communicate you first must understand the language.Secondly,understanding how that person feel. In communication,both sides should be willing to listen to one another without being bias or judgmental. We dont need just vocal communication,we need body language,and patience. Communication shouldn't be this wall blocking someone else's opinion because you dont agree with it. Communication should be able to see from both sides of the coin,doesnt matter if you agree with it or not. Im not saying you're not allowed to have an opinion,but at least an opinion that can be debated or reasonable. Love wise,Communication makes ALL the difference. People arent mind readers,express how u feel. You can't feel a certain way and expect people to automatically understand whats wrong with you. Speak up,thats why we have communication. If one person is willing to speak and talk things out,but the other isnt,then communication is useless. Relationships,doesnt matter what kind,should have some type of communication.
재섭이 블로그 놀러와서 발도장 꾹꾹~♡
ReplyDelete섭아~숙제가 왜 이렇게 널널한 거야???
업뎃이 안되서 궁금하잖아~ㅋㅋㅋ
열심히 하고 있는 거 맞지? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
암튼 다음 업뎃 기다립니당! ^.~
にほんでは 3がつ3かは "ひなまつり" です。
ReplyDeleteおんなのこ の せいちょう を ねがって
おいわいする ひ です。
ひなにんぎょう(Hinaningyo)を かざります。
もち を たべたり おさけ を のんでだりします。
Wikipedia(Hinamatsuri) in Korean
재섭아 안뇽~^^*
コミュニケーションの はなしかな?
この ぶろぐが わたしたちの
コミュニケーションの ひとつで
とても うれしいよ( ^ω^ )~♬*ㅎㅎㅎ
재섭아 퐛팅퐛팅~*!!