Great! I do believe you! Hope all your dreams will come true :) Here. i always support you :D Fighting!!! Dont forget to pray to GOD, because effort without pray is nothing, and pray without effort is nothing :)
Dream big! No matter what will happen in the future, always pursue your dreams. Because only a dream will make you stay awake to keep on moving to a better side in this world! A great thing comes from a dream you made come true ~ AJ fighting!
Does it sound strange if I say that I am proud of you? Maybe I didn't understand enough how you worked so hard. I'm sure you will make your dreams true. Of course I'll supoort it! Thank you for letting us to read this. Love you always.
You've come so far! Never stop dreaming and don't ever for a second doubt yourself. Look how happy you are :) Even when you have those days of struggles, don't forget about your dream! You're one of my biggest inspirations and I'm happy to say you're my motivation to keep me pursuing my own dreams. I'm proud of you. Don't ever give up! ^^
Hi there! ^^ 私はあたらしいReaderです!何か、あなたのブログはおもしろいです、ね。私も日本語をべんきょうします、けどじぶんで、大学からじゃない。だから、あなたのポストは本当たすけるはよ。一生にがんばりましょう、ね!^^ i wonder if i wrote it right. haha.. がんばって, JSさん ^o^ あっ!and also don't give up to reach your dreams..
I wanted to say thank you. I remember reading that you gave this message to your fans: “I know that there are many disappointed fans and fans that support me. I just want to say please watch me until the end. You can end up liking someone as you watch them more. I’ll be more strong so please watch me until the end.”
I have listened to Kpop since high school, but U-kiss is the first band that I took an active interest in; U-kiss is the first band I have ever claimed to be a fan of. I liked Kpop: I liked the music, the style, and there is—without a doubt—talent and hard work. But that was it; there was nothing from the other bands that demanded more attention. But I couldn’t ignore U-kiss. You guys have something solid, something that distinguishes you from all the other bands. You guys have a silent excellence that stands for itself and by itself. Perhaps it’s because you guys have struggled honestly and thus care honestly. Maybe it’s because of your hardships and the teamwork that has developed from that, but you guys have integrity: it is what makes you guys great and respectful, with or without titles. That can never be taken away.
And I know it’s no balm, no replacement for #1 or for the pain of working hard; reality is not that soft and I am not that naive. But I still believe that this is important because watching you has given me something important. Before U-kiss, I never paid attention to celebrities because I believed that like everyone else, they were just human beings trying to live their lives; nothing special. But ironically, because of that, I didn’t identify with them or pay attention; I made celebrities out be more different rather than similar. But then I realized the one who was blind, the one who didn’t understand, was me.
I can’t say I understand your struggles as a celebrity, but what I can say is that working as a teacher allowed me to start and understand in my own way. Ironically, watching you as a celebrity made me feel less alone in my own struggles as a teacher. I finally began to understand, to feel how celebrities are people trying to live their lives. I started to connect, to relate and feel for myself because I finally had the experience to understand: struggles of confusion, pain and joy. But most of all, it reinforced how we are all more similar rather than different. It reminded me when I was feeling most alone within my pain, how I was never really alone to begin with. I was reminded of good when there was so much bad. And I love U-kiss as a whole, but it was by watching you that I came to love them. It was by watching you and liking you that allowed me to start to see the same things differently, that allowed me to grow as a person.
As you balance school and your celebrity life now, I wish you nothing but the best. It can’t be easy, but I wanted to say thank you. That no matter where you go, I am grateful for the time and work that you dedicated to U-kiss. Because without U-kiss, you would have never been introduced into my life. And although this connection is small, that doesn’t mean it can’t be significant or powerful. So thank you… thank you for sharing this one small part of your life with us, with your fans. Thank you for your hard work.
I'm not Japanese, and I don't understand a thing in here, I don't know if you'll read this either but, I'll share my true feelings. First of all, I truthfully miss you so very much!! Like so so sososos sooso much!! When will you come back man? :( why does it feel like it's been centuries ? please come back asap! Also, even though I miss you and I'm dying waiting, I'll support you, I won't tell you "work hard" because I'm pretty sure you are working very hard, I'm so proud of you, you are just… so inspiring!!!! I'm really proud to be your fan. Another thing, the rumors about you leaving ukiss, I never believed it, and I'll never ever believe it. Because I'm sure you will return, so many fans are waiting for you, please do not pay attention to people who say you're leaving and bullshit, you're a very important member in ukiss, it's honestly not the same without you, we really need to see you having fun with the boys again. Just the thought of seeing you with Jun makes me so happy! Omg I can't wait to see you two together! xD And not to mention Kiseop, man I really miss 2Seop like so much *cries* .. uhm anyways. Look AJ, I really don't care about what others say about you. I just.. believe in you like honestly, I believe more than anyone else that you will return and make us all happy. I actually started stanning ukiss in Jan 2014.. basecially when you guys held the US tour. Which means before you leave. I hadn't had enough of you ugh :( but even so, I really miss you and I really really like you!! You're just so important. Please take care of yourself and be safe! And come back to ukiss as soon as possible! Gosh I can't wait for the moment when you announce that you finished from uni and you returned to ukiss!!! Another last thing… uhm bro when you come back.. what about you make another song with Kiseop ? I mean obsession was so DFSJDGSGOFJ you understand that right? Uh yeah I really hope to see something like that soon when you return. I wrote too much, I don't even know what I wrote but hope you understand my feelings (bc I'm bad at this sobs) I'm supporting you & I believe in you no matter what!! I love you, Kim Jaeseop!! <3
AJさんは「ゆめ」を「げんじつ」にするために そうぞう いじょうの どりょくを してきて そして いまも がんばってるんですね!そんな AJさんは やっぱり すてきだし
ReplyDeleteおうえん できることを うれしく おもいます。わたしには ゆめが ありません。でも もくひょうが あります。かんこくごを ききとれるように なることです。AJさんたちは わたしたちに きもちを つたえようと にほんごを たくさん べんきょう してくれてます。だから わたしも AJさんたちが つたえたいこと ぜんぶ わかりたいと おもいました。AJさんが がんばってる すがたを みると べんきょう がんばれるし しごとも がんばれます。AJさん、 ありがとう!
일본에서 응원하고 있어요!!좋아해요♪♪
ゆめがたくさんあり、かなえようと いっしょうけんめいになる すがたは、とてもステキだとおもいます。
ReplyDeleteAJがどれだけ がんばったのか、どりょくをしたのか、つたわってきました。
これからも いろんなゆめをおいかけて、どんどんせいちょうをしていく AJをみつづけていたい。
わたしもAJがいってくれた「どりょくのひとですね」のことばに はずかしくないよう、なにごとにも いっしょうけんめいやろうと おもいます。
AJ、おたがい がんばりましょうね♡
no entiendo :C
ReplyDeleteじぇそぷとは じょうきょうがちょっと ちがうけど、わたしも がっこうをいちどやめた けいけんがあります。
ReplyDeleteそのころから 「ゆめをみることの たいせつさ」は じんせいにおいて とてもたいせつなことで、ひとにとって だいじなことだと じっかん してきました。
いまは じぇそぷとおなじように といったら ちょっとしつれいかもしれませんが、
じぇそぷのように ゆめをもって いきています。
勉強することの たのしさ たいせつさ それをじぇそぷはおしえてくれました。ほんとうに ありがとう♡
じぇそぷ、 ゆめを おいつづけて ください。たくさん ゆめを かなえてください。
こうかいしないように じぶんのすきな じんせいをあゆんでください。
ReplyDeleteとても すてきなblog!!!
よんで とってもかんどうしました。
ほんとうに そうですね♥
これからも じぶんのやりたいこと、
ゆめを おいかけて
そんな재섭아がだいすきで、ずっとずっと おうえんしてるよ!
AJさんの 팬になれて
いっしょうけんめいに やること
ほんとうに ゆめはかなうんですね♥♥
The Best words in the World
ReplyDeleteGood Luck Jaeseop...Fighthing!! ♥♥♥
Dear Jaeseop i don`t understand this :( but i love u kitty :)
ReplyDelete대학에 간 것이 꿈은 이루어진다 1탄이면...2탄, 3탄도 더 있어야 하는 거 알지?!
ReplyDelete이 뒷부분 에세이는 몇년 안에 읽을 수 있길 바라오~!! ^_^♡
김재섭 화이팅!! (^_^)/
AJすてきな さくぶんを ありがとう。
ReplyDeleteゆうきを もらいました。
わたしも がんばらないと いけないと
あらためて おもいました!!
AJの おもいは みんなに つたわっています。
じぶんの きめたことを さいごまで
ぜんりょくで やりぬく AJを
とてもとても そんけいしています。
そんな AJが だいすきです♥♥♥
Great! I do believe you!
ReplyDeleteHope all your dreams will come true :)
Here. i always support you :D
Dont forget to pray to GOD, because effort without pray is nothing, and pray without effort is nothing :)
Dream big!
ReplyDeleteNo matter what will happen in the future, always pursue your dreams.
Because only a dream will make you stay awake to keep on moving to a better side in this world!
A great thing comes from a dream you made come true ~
AJ fighting!
안녕^^ 재섭 씨は ゆめが たくさん あって いいですね。
ReplyDeleteわたしは むかしから あまり ゆめを もっていません。
でも こうかい していないよ。^_^
오빠 진자 사랑해요♥♥
오빠 ほんとうに かんどうして なきそうになりました。
ReplyDeleteつらいときも あって それを のりこえて 今が あるんだね
はやく かえってきてほしいと ずっと おもってたけど これを よんで 오빠の ゆめを おうえんしよう、오빠を まちつづけようと 思いました。
今は なにも かんがえず ただ 오빠の やりたいことを やってください!
わたしも 今 べんきょうが いそがしくて なんども ないて やめたいと おもってたけど 오빠の さくぶんを みて ゆめに むかって こうかいしないように いっしょうけんめい がんばろうと おもいました。ありがとう♡
なにごとにも しんけんに いっしょうけんめい がんばる 오빠が だいすきだよ?♡ あいしてる♡
넘버1재섭팬 와카나
すてきな さくぶんを ありがとう。
ReplyDeleteジェソプさんが、どんなきもちで がんばってきたのか、
すこしでも しることができて とってもうれしいです。
あなたが ちかくにいない まいにちは、とてもさびしいですけれど・・・。
でも、そんなふうに いっしょうけんめい どりょくをして
ひとつずつ ゆめをじつげんする ジェソプさんのことが、
だから、これからも、いまとかわらず おうえんします。
いきているって じっかんできる たいせつな じかんですね。
わたしも、ジェソプさんに まけないように がんばります!
P.S にほんごのさくぶん、かんぺきです!
Does it sound strange if I say that I am proud of you?
ReplyDeleteMaybe I didn't understand enough how you worked so hard.
I'm sure you will make your dreams true. Of course I'll supoort it!
Thank you for letting us to read this.
Love you always.
じぇそば…たくさん どりょく したんだねㅠㅠ:*
ReplyDeleteどりょくして かちとったのが いまなんだ!
かっこいいぞ !!! きむじぇそぷ !!!!!
これからも がんばれ!!
わたしも がんばる!!\^^/
どりょくしている ジェソプさんは
ReplyDeleteとても かがやいていて だいすきです!
たくさん おうえんするので
じぶんのしたい べんきょうを
いま たくさんしてくださいね❤️
You've come so far! Never stop dreaming and don't ever for a second doubt yourself. Look how happy you are :) Even when you have those days of struggles, don't forget about your dream! You're one of my biggest inspirations and I'm happy to say you're my motivation to keep me pursuing my own dreams. I'm proud of you.
ReplyDeleteDon't ever give up! ^^
わたしのナンバー1です ^-^
それが、わたしのゆめです ^-^
ないめんも がいけんも すばらしい AJo(^_^)o
ReplyDeleteへいぼんに まいにちを おくっている じぶんが はずかしいです。。。
ゆめに ねんれいは かんけいないので いまからでも みつけて AJみたいに がんばりたいです!!
Hi there! ^^
i wonder if i wrote it right. haha.. がんばって, JSさん ^o^
あっ!and also don't give up to reach your dreams..
どりょくが みをむすんだんだね!
ReplyDeleteほんとうに すごいなと おもうし この さくぶんを よんで かんどうしました。
AJのこと すきになって よかったなとおもいます。きっと はじめて みたときから
AJは ゆめのために どりょくして かがやいてたんだね!
だからこそ わたしは AJのこと すきになったんだとおもう!
これからも ゆめのために がんばって!そして ぜったい かなえてね!
おうえん することしかできないけど すこしでも 糧 になればいいなとおもいます。
AJさんの さくぶんを よんで すごいな かっこいいと おもいました。
ReplyDeleteだから AJさんは いつも キラキラ かがやいているんですね!!
すてきな ことばです。
わたしも たくさん ゆめが あります。
AJさんの ことばを おもいだして がんばります!!
そして ゆめのために がんばっている AJさんを おうえんします!!
ReplyDeleteじぇそぷ あなたの いきかたに すごく かんどうしました。そして にほんごで いっしょうけんめい かいてくれて ほんとうに ありがとう。とても うれしい です。
ReplyDeleteじぇそぷ あきらめない きもちは どうやって もちつづけるのですか? その あきらめない きもちを もちつづけることが いちばん つらくて むずかしいです。でも あなたが あきらめずに いろいろなことを かなえていく すがたを みていて ゆうきと きぼうを もらいました。わたしも がんばらなくちゃ! ゆめを かなえながら まっすぐ すすんでいく じぇそぷを これからも ずっと おうえんしていきます。でも あなたが U-KISSに ふざいだと とても さびしいです。かえってきたときは ふぁんに あいをください。まっています。あいしています。
ジェソプくん、すてきな さくぶんですね。
Deleteわたしも あなたとおなじで たくさんの ゆめがあります。
わたしの だいぶぶんを しめているゆめは、えほんさっかになることです。
そして、せかいじゅうの こどもたちを えがおにすることです。
もうひとつは、イタリアごの つうやくガイドしけんに ごうかくすることです。
せんしゅう イタリアから かえってきて、べんきょうに イラスト、ストーリーをかんがえたり、いろいろと がんばっています。
でも、ジェソプくんのいうように むずかしいじきがあります。
いろんな ふあんもでてきます。
そんなとき、わたしは、ゆめをかなえた じぶんのすがたを そうぞうします。
ゆめを かなえたければ、いまを のりこえようと じぶんに いいきかせています。
ゆめは かなえるためのもの!そのとおりですね!
イタリアのだいがくで べんきょうさせてくれた かぞくの えがおのためにも、かならず このゆめを かなえます!
ジェソプくんに せんげんします;)
おたがい ゆめを かなえようね!!
じぇそぷが たくさん がんばってきたのが わかって かんどうしました(ノ_<)
ReplyDeleteゆめに むかって がんばってる じぇそぷを これからも ずっとずっと おうえんするよ♡
こうかいしないように がんばるのも すごく ステキなことだけど からだを やすめることも だいじなことだから やすめるときは しっかり やすんでね(o^^o)
あなたの じんせいが キラキラ かがやいて じぇそぷの えがおが たくさんみられるのが たのしみだよ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ♪
はやく あいたいです♡
THE BLUE HEARTS の ゆめ というきょくが あります! わたしが ちゅうがくせいのとき きいていた だいすきで かっこいいきょく(^-^)/
ReplyDeleteいまも、がんばってるAJ は、そのきょくみたいに、かっこいい!
私も、日本語の先生の べんきょうしてるから、AJ が、がんばっているので、わたしも、がんばります。
ジェソのかんがえかた いつも すごいなっておもってるよ><
ReplyDeleteわたしも いま ゆめをかなえるために まいにち べんきょうをがんばってます。
それは ジェソが だいがくにいって いっしょうけんめい べんきょうしているのをみたからだよ^^!!
ジェソがゆめをかなえられたように わたしも ゆめをかなえるよ!
だから いっしょに がんばろうね!
ゆめがかなったら また U-KISSにあいにいくからね♡
ゆめが あることは すばらしいことだと おもいます。こころから AJを そんけいしています! ゆめに むかって がんばってる すがたは ほんとうに かっこいいです!!だいすきです!!
ReplyDeleteとても かなしすぎることが おこりました…。
しっかりじぶんを もっていて すてきですね。
わたしは もっと しっかりしたひとに なりたいです。
ゆめは じぇそ,U-KISSに みせてもらってもいいですか?
だから ずっと みんな しあわせで けんこうで ぶじで いてくださいね‼
Jaeseop〜ゆめを、おいかけるのわ、すてきですね♪^ ^ ふぁいてぃん! Yurina
ReplyDelete재섭 씨 안녕하세요
ReplyDelete일본인 에리카입니다(°w°)>
꿈을 실현하세요
목표를 쓰기에 더 꿈은 자신에게로 다가 준다고 들었다 수 있습니다.
재섭 씨가 목표를 달성 할 때마다 성장한 모습을 보여 주면 기쁩니다.
꿈과 목표,하고 싶은 일을 발설하는 것은 간단하지만,
행동에는 강인한 정신력이 필요하네요.
자신이 목표로하는 길로 나아가는 때 등을 밀어주고,
지지 해주는 사람이 반드시있는 것에 감사하면서 성장 할 수 있으면 멋지네요.
재섭 씨를 응원하고 있습니다♪
재섭 사랑 해요♡
ReplyDeleteI wanted to say thank you. I remember reading that you gave this message to your fans: “I know that there are many disappointed fans and fans that support me. I just want to say please watch me until the end. You can end up liking someone as you watch them more. I’ll be more strong so please watch me until the end.”
ReplyDeleteI have listened to Kpop since high school, but U-kiss is the first band that I took an active interest in; U-kiss is the first band I have ever claimed to be a fan of. I liked Kpop: I liked the music, the style, and there is—without a doubt—talent and hard work. But that was it; there was nothing from the other bands that demanded more attention. But I couldn’t ignore U-kiss. You guys have something solid, something that distinguishes you from all the other bands. You guys have a silent excellence that stands for itself and by itself. Perhaps it’s because you guys have struggled honestly and thus care honestly. Maybe it’s because of your hardships and the teamwork that has developed from that, but you guys have integrity: it is what makes you guys great and respectful, with or without titles. That can never be taken away.
And I know it’s no balm, no replacement for #1 or for the pain of working hard; reality is not that soft and I am not that naive. But I still believe that this is important because watching you has given me something important. Before U-kiss, I never paid attention to celebrities because I believed that like everyone else, they were just human beings trying to live their lives; nothing special. But ironically, because of that, I didn’t identify with them or pay attention; I made celebrities out be more different rather than similar. But then I realized the one who was blind, the one who didn’t understand, was me.
I can’t say I understand your struggles as a celebrity, but what I can say is that working as a teacher allowed me to start and understand in my own way. Ironically, watching you as a celebrity made me feel less alone in my own struggles as a teacher. I finally began to understand, to feel how celebrities are people trying to live their lives. I started to connect, to relate and feel for myself because I finally had the experience to understand: struggles of confusion, pain and joy. But most of all, it reinforced how we are all more similar rather than different. It reminded me when I was feeling most alone within my pain, how I was never really alone to begin with. I was reminded of good when there was so much bad. And I love U-kiss as a whole, but it was by watching you that I came to love them. It was by watching you and liking you that allowed me to start to see the same things differently, that allowed me to grow as a person.
As you balance school and your celebrity life now, I wish you nothing but the best. It can’t be easy, but I wanted to say thank you. That no matter where you go, I am grateful for the time and work that you dedicated to U-kiss. Because without U-kiss, you would have never been introduced into my life. And although this connection is small, that doesn’t mean it can’t be significant or powerful. So thank you… thank you for sharing this one small part of your life with us, with your fans. Thank you for your hard work.
Stay strong AJ.
Your fan
AJ oppa, keep fighting! :))
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI'm not Japanese, and I don't understand a thing in here, I don't know if you'll read this either but, I'll share my true feelings. First of all, I truthfully miss you so very much!! Like so so sososos sooso much!! When will you come back man? :( why does it feel like it's been centuries ? please come back asap! Also, even though I miss you and I'm dying waiting, I'll support you, I won't tell you "work hard" because I'm pretty sure you are working very hard, I'm so proud of you, you are just… so inspiring!!!! I'm really proud to be your fan.
ReplyDeleteAnother thing, the rumors about you leaving ukiss, I never believed it, and I'll never ever believe it. Because I'm sure you will return, so many fans are waiting for you, please do not pay attention to people who say you're leaving and bullshit, you're a very important member in ukiss, it's honestly not the same without you, we really need to see you having fun with the boys again. Just the thought of seeing you with Jun makes me so happy! Omg I can't wait to see you two together! xD And not to mention Kiseop, man I really miss 2Seop like so much *cries* .. uhm anyways. Look AJ, I really don't care about what others say about you. I just.. believe in you like honestly, I believe more than anyone else that you will return and make us all happy.
I actually started stanning ukiss in Jan 2014.. basecially when you guys held the US tour. Which means before you leave. I hadn't had enough of you ugh :( but even so, I really miss you and I really really like you!! You're just so important. Please take care of yourself and be safe! And come back to ukiss as soon as possible! Gosh I can't wait for the moment when you announce that you finished from uni and you returned to ukiss!!!
Another last thing… uhm bro when you come back.. what about you make another song with Kiseop ? I mean obsession was so DFSJDGSGOFJ you understand that right? Uh yeah I really hope to see something like that soon when you return.
I wrote too much, I don't even know what I wrote but hope you understand my feelings (bc I'm bad at this sobs) I'm supporting you & I believe in you no matter what!!
I love you, Kim Jaeseop!! <3